The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the U.S. Air Force
today awarded Lockheed Martin Corp., Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Palmdale, Calif., a
$8,360,384 other transaction for prototypes agreement for the second phase of Task 2 of the
Falcon program. Task 2 is the hypersonic technology vehicle portion of the program.
Under the newly awarded agreement, the team will conduct a six-month phase IIa
preliminary design effort. At the successful conclusion of Phase IIa, Lockheed Martin will begin
the 30-month phase IIb to complete detailed design, fabrication and flight-test of an initial
hypersonic technology testbed vehicle. Lockheed Martin was chosen through a limited
competition among the four participants in the first phase of the Falcon Task 2 effort. Lockheed
Martin could receive up to an additional $97,069,875 in funding for phase IIb.

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