Posted on: Dec. 11th, 2005 ||
LORD Drayson’s review of the UK defence industry, published as early as this Thursday, is expected to be “rigorous”, with some big-ticket programmes being scaled back. It will also outline new plans to extend the life of existing assets such the ageing aircraft carriers HMS Invincible and Illustrious, The Business has learned.
The review, set to reshape the whole industry, will affect the order books of defence companies including BAE Systems, Thales UK and VT Group for years to come.
The findings of the sweeping six-month review - instigated last August by procurement minister Drayson soon after he came into office - will be set out in a “command” paper specifying which of the domestic industrial capabilities are essential to national security and competitiveness. Both existing and upcoming programmes were examined; not all are expected to survive.

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