F-117 Nighthawk Archive

Holloman Air Force Base is expected to get F-22A Raptors to replace its F-117A Nighthawk stealth fighters, which are being phased out.

The black jets that revolutionized air warfare with their radar-evading technology and ability to drop precision-guided bombs at night are to be discarded in 2008, 20 years after the Air Force acknowledged the stealth fighters' existence, officials said.

WASHINGTON - The F-117A Nighthawk, the stealth fighter that launched Operation Iraqi Freedom, is "long in the tooth" and among the Southern California defense programs being put out to pasture, Pentagon officials said Monday as they unveiled a record $493.3 billion budget that eliminates some of the

ORLANDO, Fla.-The Air Force has accepted a smaller F-22 Raptor fighter fleet, would like to field a new long-range strike platform around 2018 and expects to commence the competition for a new tanker platform before the end of this year, the service’s two senior most officials said yesterday.

PALMDALE - The Pentagon is proposing to speed up retirement of the F-117A stealth fighter and the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft in two programs that employ Lockheed Martin workers in Palmdale.
3 news articles were found:
Air Force cuts F-117, B-52, adds F-22s - Jan 12th, 2006
Serb innovation downed US Stealth fighter - Oct 27th, 2005
Stealth fighter-bomber unit is temporarily deployed to S. Korea - Jul 3rd, 2004