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Bird Of Prey

Air-Attack.com > Military Systems > Bird Of Prey

The Bird of Prey project formally started in 1992. The US$67 million development cost was provided by McDonnell Douglas (acquired by Boeing in 1998), but the USAF agreed to provide flight-test facilities and security, including chase aircraft and access to a secure flight-test center.

Though its primary mission was to demonstrate stealth technology, it also allowed Boeing's Phantom Works the company's special-projects arm to demonstrate it could build prototype airplanes quickly and cheaply. The airplane was made from a small number of carbon fiber composite parts, and - amazingly, in view of its shape, - had a simple all-manual flight control system without a computer in sight.
The Bird of Prey has made 38 flights since being secretly launched in 1996.

The once highly classified project ran from 1992 through 1999, and was revealed because the technologies and capabilities developed have become industry standards, and it is no longer necessary to conceal the aircraft's existence.


Type: Stealth Technology demonstrator
Manufacturer: Boeing
Country: USA
Powerplant: Pratt & Whitney JT15D-5C (1x)
Engine Thrust: 14,2 kN
Length: 47 ft || 14.3 m
Height: 9.3 ft || 2.8 m
Wingspan: 23 ft || 7 m
Weight: 7,400 lbs || 3,360kg
Max Speed: 300 mph || 480 km/h || 260 kts
Range: Unknown
Ceiling: 20,000 ft || 6100 m
Crew: One Pilot
Development costs: Around $67 million

Recommended Websites:

  • Boeing.com (News Release)
  • New Scientist.com (News Release)
  • Global Security.org
  • Images

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