Area 51 Testing Facility > Military Systems > Area 51 Testing Facility
The area 51 installation - groom lake facility - dreamland - paradise ranch...
Since the 50's the nevada desert is used for many, many military experiments.
The conditions are ideal, many people try avoid the dry hot Nevada desert at all costs.

The exact date of this photograph is unknown. It was exposed from the Groom Mine area to the northeast of Groom Lake. As you could have guessed this section is no longer publicly accessible.
Large sections of the Nevada desert were used for atomic tests;

This photo shows an atomic cloud, you can see a small section of the Groom dry lake.
The U-2 "Dragon Lady" designer, Kelly Johnson, got the task to find and build a top secret test facility. In March 1955, Johnson and others visited potential test sites in the deserts of southern California, Nevada, and Arizona. The base was created in July 1955 as a place to test the U-2 spyplane that was used to fly missions over the Soviet Union. The Groom Lake facility is located +/- 90 miles north of Las Vegas (which is in Nevada). In June 1958, it was officially designated Area 51 by the Atomic Energy Commission (now Department of Energy) | ![]() |
The restricted airspace above the base was extended to 600 square miles with Groom Lake in the center.
Nellis AFB personnel began referring to Groom by the the call sign of its control tower: Dreamland.
By 1970, the USAF Systems Command took over the operation of Groom Lake.
It's designation was officially changed to Detachment 3 (or Det 3), AFFTC (based at Edwards AFB).
At this time they were testing the U-2 "Dragon Lady" and the A-12/Sr-71 Blackbird.
In 1975, the Red Flag series of realistic air warfare exercises started at Nellis AFB, using large portions of the Nevada test site which includes the Groom Lake facility.
The box of airspace surrounding Groom Lake was strictly off-limits to Red Flag aircrews.
It became known informally as "Red Square" because the airforce tested captured Soviet migs out there at that time.
In the late 1970s area 51 was used for testing the Have Blue and Tacit Blue stealth technology demonstrators.
Due to these projects, the security of the test site increased dramatically.
The base is secured by so-called 'cammo dudes' they are driving around in white Ford F-50's.
They also use Pave Hawk patrol helicopters.
Many people claim that on the roads and hills around area 51 highly sophisticated electronic sensors are installed, which are able to detect humans by our smell.
In the 1980's the main runway was extended to approximately 27,000 feet, making it the largest runway on earth! (not officially of course!!).
Many people (including myself) believe that they constructed that runway for a high-mach aircraft, because it would recquire a large strip to land on.
During the 1980's and 1990's the number of sightings increased in the Nevada test site area.
Many people claime(d) to have seen a large black triangulair craft flying at a high altitude.
The last decade the name "Aurora" was given to a triangulair craft that should be able to cruise at around mach 7, it is probably tested at area 51.
When you think about it you will come to the conclusion that they MUST have a high mach aircraft, because the fastest aircraft untill now is the SR-71 Blackbird, but that plane was designed in the 1960s!
It is also said that the airforce is testing or developing cloaking technology.
Hit the link to read an excellent page about this techonolgy. (written by Simon Gray).