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E-3 Centry AWACS

Air-Attack.com > Military Systems > E-3 Centry AWACS

The E-3 Sentry is the most important airborne warning aircraft nowadays in servce. The AWACS provides all-weather surveillance, command, control and communications needed by commanders of U.S. and NATO air defense forces.
The AWACS has proven itself in combat; During the 1990 to 1991 Operation Desert Storm, some 845 AWACS sorties were flown and NATO E-3s have also played a major role in the United Nations' enforcement of the no-fly zone over Bosnia and during the Kosovo crisis.

E-3 fills the needs of both airborne surveillance and command and control (C2) functions for tactical and air defense forces. It provides a highly mobile, survivable surveillance and C2 platform.

The E-3 AWACS is simply a commercial Boeing 707/320B airframe modified with the distinctive radome that houses a pulse-Doppler radar capable of detecting aircraft and cruise missiles, the E3 look-down radar has a 360-degree view of the horizon, and at operating altitudes has a range of more than 320 km.
One E-3A flying at 30,000 ft / 9,150 m has over 312,000 kmē in its field of view. The radar can detect and track air and sea targets simultaneously.

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Type: Airborne surveillance, command, control and communications
Manufacturer: Boeing
Country: USA
Powerplant: Pratt and Whitney TF33-PW-100A turbofan engine (4x)
Engine Thrust: 21,000 lbs (each engine)
Length: 145 feet, 6 inches (44 meters)
Height: 41 feet, 4 inches (12.5 meters)
Wingspan: 130 feet, 10 inches (39.7 meters)
Weight: 151,955 kg || 335,000 lbs (max takeoff)
Max. Speed: 800+ km/h || 500 mph
Range: 9,250+ km || 5,000 nm
Ceiling: 35,000+ feet || 10,000 Metres
Crew: Flight crew of four plus mission crew of 13-19 specialists
costs: n/a


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