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History of Research on Anti Gravity

A brief history and links to other resources

On the 29th of July 2002, Nick Cook, an aerospace consultant at Janes Defence Weekly reported that Boeing, the world?s largest aircraft manufacturer, had admitted it is working on experimental anti-gravity projects.

For the first time, scientists from Boeings Phantom Works advanced research and development facility, were talking about anti-gravity research.
A week latar, Boeing officials denied the claims, and said that individual Boeing scientist were just interested in anti-gravity?

Whether Boeing is, or is not testing ant-gravity technology, many people have been speculating about it for decades.

A brief history on anti-gravity:

On this website there is a compilation of a few articles about anti-gravity research, in the 50's

A quote from one of the articles (November 20, 2024):

"The initial steps of an almost incredible program to solve the secret of gravity and universal gravitation are being taken today in many of America's top scientific laboratories and research centres. A number of major, long-established companies in the United States aircraft and electronics industries also are involved in gravity research. Scientists, in general, bracket gravity with life itself as the greatest unsolved mystery in the Universe. But there are increasing numbers who feel that there must be a physical mechanism for its propagation which can be discovered and controlled.

Should this mystery be solved it would bring about a greater revolution in power, transportation and many other fields than even the discovery of atomic power. The influence of such a discovery would be of tremendous import in the field of aircraft design - where the problem of fighting gravity's effects has always been basic."

  • Since 1953 the Canadian government's PROJECT MAGNET has been working on a GRAVITY-DEFYING VEHICLE powered by ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCES.

  • In 1947, amid the early craze of UFO reports, an air force general reported on the possibility of the United States building disc-shaped objects with extreme rates of climb and maneuverability but without noise or evident propulsion.

  • In the mid 1950s electrogravitics was the subject of a few press reports, including one that described work by most of the United States' major defense contractors, Cook reported.

And then it all went quiet -- just as stealth technology suddenly disappeared from view in the mid 1970s, only to re-emerge as operational aircraft in the late 1980s. Academic papers on the subject have mysteriously disappeared from libraries.

Since the Eighties, there has been speculation about the existence of a mythical plane called Aurora that supposedly flew on the edges of space. In 1992, there was a detailed sighting of a massive triangular-shaped aircraft spotted flying in formation with US air force bombers above the North Sea.

In Belgium, in 1989 and again a year later, hundreds of people reported seeing silent triangular shaped craft all over the country. They were tracked by Belgian radar and pulled turns of about 20G40G enough to kill a human pilot. The Belgian air force confirmed their existence in a government report.

In 1996 Dr Podkletnov claimed to have discovered a way to shield objects from gravity by placing them over a superconducting disc which, in turn, rotated above powerful electromagnets.
His findings were to be published in a British physics journal, but news leaked out and, after press stories that scientists had made an anti-gravity device, he was booed by peers who accused him of breaking the laws of physics.
He withdrew his paper and went into a huff. The unversity that had sponsored him, in Tampere, Finland, withdrew its support, and he has returned to Russia.
But the notion of a machine that could gently lift objects - people, freighters, spacecraft - with a hum of electricity gripped some people. A few serious scientists and engineers have been trying to reproduce Dr Podkletnov's results.

Eugene Podkletnov

Eugene Podkletnov lives and works in Finland, where he conducts anti-gravity research using superconductors.
Dr. Podkletnov is employed as a researcher at Finland's Tampere University of Technology (TUT).

It was at TUT in 1992 that he and a team of researchers working with superconductors discovered that objects placed above the superconductor experienced a loss in weight, as if the superconductor were shielding them from gravity.
This, according to modern physics, should not happen and Podkletnov thought at first that he and his researchers had made a mistake, but, after careful analysis and work, the bizarre phenomenon persisted. Podkletnov went public with his claims in 1996.

Unlike many of the assertions of anti-gravity put forth in the past, this one appeared at first to have passed the test of scrutiny by several independent and skeptical sources. Podkletnov's paper on his research into this phenomenon was accepted for publication in the Journal of Physics-D: Applied Physics, published by Britain's Institute of Physics.
However, the article was withdrawn following a statement by the alleged co-author, Petri Vuorinen, denying that he ever worked on anti-gravity with Podkletnov.

NASA is interested in the Finnish experiments in spite of the controversy.

Whitt Brantley, chief of the advanced concepts office at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center says that NASA has already funded research into gravity-modification devices, and has determined that the Tampere University experiment should be reproduced in the flight center's facilities in Huntsville, Alabama, USA.

A 23 year old British hacker said he had found Anti-Gravity engine file At W/P AFB.

Links to anti-gravity related websites:


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