QDR leaves Repubs, Dems skeptical
Posted on: Feb. 4th, 2006 - www.upi.com
"It appears the (Quadrennial Defense Review) has become a budget-driven exercise, which limits its utility to Congress. We need to better understand the current and future threats to our national security and then design and fund our military accordingly.
"The committee will be releasing its own threat-based Defense Review in the coming weeks. The committee's Defense Review, used in conjunction with the Pentagon's QDR, will provide us with a more complete picture of America's national security needs," said House Armed Services Committee Chairman Duncan Hunter.
The Pentagon on Friday released its Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), a once-every-four-years reevaluation of strategy and forces, looking forward a generation to determine what capabilities, equipment and personnel are needed to meet projected threats and challenges.