Posted on: Mar. 2nd, 2006 ||

We understand a case is being made that this change to the F-22 program is being made to keep a 5th generation tactical production line open, in part due to concerns over possible delays in the Joint Strike Fighter. Yet, the JSF program projected procurement schedule has been relatively stable over the past two budget cycles.
So one has to ask, if there was a need to have a 5th generation fighter production line open, why the decision was made last year to cut the F-22 production line and then this year reverse that decision and extend the production line -- in both cases producing about the same number of aircraft, only now for a billion dollars more in program cost.
There are other difficult to understand program budget decisions coming out of the Pentagon affecting the stability of acquisition programs in the Air Force and in the other services as well -- affecting budgets as well as capability.
Frequent changes in acquisition programs lead to increased programs costs, and in the end, result in fewer platforms being fielded because of those increased costs. This continues to be a major problem -- trying to fund too many programs with inadequate funding and in the end spending large amounts of money in research and development and having very little to show for it in what is fielded…the F-22 being the prime example.
Other changes result in forever lost capability -- like those decisions, again made in the closing days of the budget cycle, to retire the F-117 and U-2.
Full Press Release (PDF).

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