Posted on: Mar. 4th, 2006 ||

The Government has selected the C-17 by for its ability to meet the needs of the ADF over the next 30 years.
This is the only aircraft currently in production which has a proven capability to meet ADF operational commitments, in Australia, the region and globally. The C-17 has four times the carrying capacity of the RAAF C-130 Hercules.
The C-17 aircraft has the load capacity and range that will allow the ADF to rapidly deploy troops, combat vehicles, heavy equipment and helicopters. This includes the M1A1 Abrams Tank, as well as Black Hawk, Sea Hawk, and Chinook helicopters. Each C-17 has the capacity to transport five Bushmaster Infantry Vehicles, or three Tiger helicopters.
The fleet of up to four aircraft will give Australia a new Responsive Global AirLift (RGA) capability, significantly enhancing the ADF's ability to support national and international operations, and major disaster rescue and relief efforts.
(Source: Australian Department of Defence; issued March 3, 2024)

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