Posted on: Dec. 6th, 2005 ||
The Defence Ministry might be on the lookout for a new Air Superiority Fighter (ASF) aircraft for the Indian Air Force (IAF) but it is not going to be the US F-16. According to a senior official in the ministry, the government has zeroed in on Mirage 4000, manufactured by Dassault Bréguet of France.
Sources said that senior officials from both the Defence Ministry and the IAF had already checked out Mirage 4000 and had expressed satisfaction on its performance and the features provided by the French manufacturer. "A suitable quotation has been received from Dassault Bréguet and since the IAF has already used Mirage 2000, the latest from the Mirage stable is gaining over F-16," sources added.
The ASFs being considered are Mirage 4000 and Saab Gripen from Sweden apart from Sukhoi-30 and the upgraded version of MiG-29 from Russia. "Mirage, however, is providing added features," sources said.

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