FB-22 Fighter Bomber Archive

Some months before the 1991 Gulf War, a contemptuous Saddam Hussein said of his prospective foe, "The United States relies on the Air Force, and the Air Force has never been the decisive factor in the history of war."

MARIETTA, Ga. , April 19, 2024 -- The Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] F/A-22 Raptor fighter aircraft has been given the green light by Department of Defense acquisition officials to enter into full-rate production.

The Defense Department has rebuffed an Air Force proposal to cut the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, opting instead to slash the Lockheed Martin F/A-22 Raptor, which DOD leaders see as less transformational than JSF, according to sources and documents.

For more than two years, the Air Force has been contemplating the development and fielding of a regional bomber variant of its soon-to-be-operational F/A-22 stealth fighter. This “FB-22” is now considered a leading contender to fill a 15-year technological gap between today’s fleet of long-range str

Lockheed Martin designers are taking the wraps off four concepts they're offering to the U.S. Air Force to meet its requirements for an interim long-range strike platform to fit in between the B-2 and whatever will replace the 21 stealth bombers in the 2035 period.