News Desk, Monday 6 February, 2006

[Posted on: Mon Feb 6th, 2006]
Within a decade the US Navy wants to develop a high-powered laser small enough to fit on a tactical combat aircraft and powerful enough to destroy fleeing ground targets, a senior service scientist said.

[Posted on: Mon Feb 6th, 2006]
WASHINGTON - Efforts to replace the space shuttle fleet with new Moon-bound spacecraft would receive big spending increases under NASA's 2007 budget request, while nearly every other part of the U.S. space agency's budget would be held flat or decline.

[Posted on: Mon Feb 6th, 2006]
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Over Britain's objections, President George W. Bush's 2007 defence budget scraps a $2.4 billion (1.4 billion pounds) contract with General Electric and Rolls-Royce to develop a second engine for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, a top programme official said on Monday.

[Posted on: Mon Feb 6th, 2006]
The US Air Force has set aside $2 billion over the next several years to launch the accelerated development of a next-generation bomber that is almost certain to be unmanned and unlike anything on the ramp today. At the same time, the air force continues to evaluate manned vehicle technologies, such

[Posted on: Mon Feb 6th, 2006]
Lockheed Martin Advanced Development Projects is making perhaps the first realistic tests of a hybrid airship--a concept that dates back many decades but that is just now being tried at a significant scale.

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