Posted on: Dec. 30th, 2005 ||

Although the 900-million-dollar contract to manufacture 18 Su-30MKM aircraft was signed in the summer of 2003, the parties began its implementation in the beginning of this year.
A group of Malaysian Air Force experts has come to the city of Irkutsk to specify the procedures to purchase equipment and materials.
Earlier, Russia supplied several dozen such planes /Su-30MKI/ to India.
The aircraft is a multi-purposes fighter intended for winning air superiority and destroying ground and seaborne targets. It can fly missions at a considerable distance from the base, in all weather conditions, day and night, and amidst electronic warfare.
Aside from the manufacture of 18 Su-30MKM, the contract envisions their servicing in Malaysia, with subsequent modernization, if necessary.
To this end, Irkut, the head company, will open a service center in Malaysia.

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