Posted on: Jan. 4th, 2006 ||

The Rafael-Zeiss offset agreement will be worth 100% of the value of the targeting pods. One-fifth of the offset will be direct and include deliveries of supplies. Investments will account for 30% of the remainder of the offset, and could include new developments at Zeiss's lens plant in Mátészalka, northeast Hungary. The consortium will also carry out a training program as part of the offset agreement.
The Rohde and Schwarz offset agreement is for 112% of the value of the contract. Investments will make up 32% of the offset, and will probably involve spending at Rohde and Schwarz's Hungarian unit, which the company set up last year. The unit will serve as a regional service centre for Rohde and Schwarz's military and civilian equipment.
Hungary signed a deal in December 2001 to lease 14 fighter aircraft from Saab-Gripen. The deal, which was amended in 2003, contains a 130% offset agreement, worth about Ft 191 billion or €780 million, for 14 years.

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