Airborne Laser Archive

WASHINGTON, March 24 (UPI) -- Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi is due to step down in a few months after five confident, controversial years at the helm of the world's second-ranking industrial power, but he will leave ballistic missile defense juggernaut behind him.

Downgraded to a demonstration, with plans for production on hold, the ambitious US Airborne Laser (ABL) programme is keeping to a schedule that calls for a ballistic missile shoot-down test in 2008, says prime contractor Boeing.

WASHINGTON, March 10 (Reuters) - Boeing Co. (BA.N: Quote, Profile, Research) is weighing a possible Japanese role in its multibillion-dollar drive to build a 747 jumbo jet that could zap a ballistic missile with a laser, a company official said Friday.

The multibillion-dollar Airborne Laser program, considered the Pentagon's best chance to develop a weapon to defeat ballistic missiles in their early, boost phase of flight, is being relegated to a technology demonstration status while a planned five-aircraft purchase by the Air Force is put on hold

More than a century after HG Wells' fictitious Martians used their 'heat-rays' to barbecue half the UK armed forces and to cut a warship in half, it is still unclear exactly when effective, 'speed-of-light' high-energy laser technology will enter the battlefield.
19 news articles were found:
The missile that does not care - Feb 14th, 2006
Missile defense in 2006: now more controversial than ever - Jan 30th, 2006
Airborne laser aims for 2008 shoot-down - Jan 27th, 2006
Missile Defense will cost $247 billion by 2024: CBO - Jan 27th, 2006
US stages missile defense - Jan 26th, 2006
Missile defense costs $10 billion a year. What do we get for that? - Jan 24th, 2006
Boeing Receives Aircraft for Laser Gunship Program - Jan 24th, 2006
Test Failures Slow U.S. Missile Defense - Jan 19th, 2006
Laser weapons going strong, fielding needed --Northrop - Jan 18th, 2006
Missile Defense Program Moves Forward - Jan 12th, 2006
DOD Adds Air Force Money, Delays Laser - Jan 7th, 2006
Boeing test-fires anti-ballistic-missile laser - Dec 30th, 2005
Airborne Laser Achieves Full Power In Ground Test - Dec 12th, 2005
Airborne laser brings Star Wars one step closer - Aug 25th, 2005
Airborne Laser's conformal window exposed during flight for first time - May 22nd, 2005
Boeing Airborne Laser Team Achieves First Flight - Dec 6th, 2004
Airborne Laser flight turret assembly arrives at Edwards - Oct 16th, 2004
ABL Prepares for 2005 Shoot-Down Attempt - Sep 1st, 2003
Airborne Laser Contract Aims To Shore Up Industrial Base - Aug 28th, 2003